Sunday, May 3, 2009

We have arrived safe and sound in Cairo. It was a long journy, about 30 hours by the time we made it to our hotel. Everything went very smoothly, except that our taxi driver got lost on the way to the hotel and took us on a wild goose chase! It is now about 2:15pm on Sunday (at home it is about 6:15am on Sunday.) We managed to find our way to an internet cafe with the help of a friendly local, and we are looking forward to having our tour start tonight so that we don't feel quite so lost!!

PS-It is very hot!!


  1. Yay! So glad you made it safe and sound...LOVE the fact that you have this blog...I will be checking it religously. Sorry I never got a chance to wish you well before you left, the week was crazy and time just ran away on me. I know, poor excuse! Anyway so great to hear things are on their way! xo
    Looking forward to hearing more adventures!

  2. Hot? what is hot? Its been raining and all windy. Anyway... enjoy.
