Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hi all!

We arrived safe and sound in Olympos 3 nights ago. It is a tiny town made up of only hostels and pensions--there isn't even an ATM around. There is a nice beach that has the most clear water I have ever seen. It is as if we are looking though glass! The last few days have been very lazy; resting on the beach, swimming, walking through the beautiful valley, marvelling at ancient ruins. We have really enjoyed ourselves but we are ready to move on. Tomorrow we will ride the bus for 3 hours to Kas (pronounced 'cash'). It is another small beach town, and there are apparently sunken ruins that we can kayak and snorkel around.

And we'll see where the wind blows us after Kas!

Love Kristin and Jason :)

ps-Sorry we haven't been able to put any pics on facebook lately. It is really difficult to find an internet cafe with a fast enough connection AND computers that we can plug our camera into...


  1. Nice!

    You are keeping the great adventures coming. You guys could write a book after this, all you have left to do is kill a wild animal, run from authorities and spend a night sleeping outside (not by choice but because for some really cool, crazy reason you have to)!!!

    Eat anything really weird yet?

  2. Oh jeeze you guys!!! I am so jealous. It sounds amazing I really cant wait to see pictures!!!
